
Array collection

Here are collection of programs using Array. Programs are written using one and two-dimensional. 

one dimensional programs:

q1)Write a program to enter any four elements and display that.

q2) Write a program to enter some elements and display that in opposite order.

q3).Write a program to get sum of numbers out of 'n' numbers entered by you.

q4).Write a program to display all numbers which are stored in even positioned cell of array.Let there are 'n' numbers.

q5)Write a program to display all numbers which are stored in odd positioned cell of array.Let there are 'n' numbers.

q6)Write a program to delete an element stored in an array. Let there are 'n' numbers..

q7)Write a program to swap any two values stored in array.Let there are 'n' numbers.

q8)Write a program to get maximum and minimum value among 'n' values stored in array.

q9)Write a program to store any 'n' elements and display those which are >15.
q10)Write a program to get sum of all elements of two one dimensional arrays.
q11)Write a program to get difference of all elements of two one-dimensional elements.                                                                                                                                                                                   solution
q12)Write a program to count total positive elements among 'n' elements.
q13)Write a program to sort (ascending order) elements stored in array.
q14)Write a program to sort (descending order) elements stored in array.

q15) WAP to enter salary of 'n' number of employees. Now count number of employees getting salary in range:
            a) less than 5000
           b) >=5000 and < 10000
           c)  >10000     
q16)WAP to search an element stored in an array.
q17) Write a program to show initialization of element in an array.
q18) Write a program to know repetition of elements stored in array.
multidimensional array programs:-
q19) WAP to input values for matrix of order 2x2 and display that.
q20)WAP to initialize elements of an array of size 2x2. Then display that.
q21) WAP to get sum of elements of an array of order 'mxn'.
q22) WAP to get sub-matrix of a matrix of order 'mxn'.
q23)WAP to get sum of elements of first row of a matrix of order 'mxn'.
q24)WAP to transpose  a matrix of order mxn.
q25)WAP to get sum of diagonal elements of a matrix of order mxn.


q26)WAP to print upper triangular matrix  of order mxn.
q27) WAP to print lower triangular matrix  of order mxn.

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