Following are some important questions(programs with some other theory part).
Following programs (some theory questions)may come in your exam in 3 or 5 or 10 marks.
Group-A (programming)long answer question
Q1) Write a program to get area and perimeter of rectangle.
go for solution
Q2)Write a program to get area of circle.
go for solution
Q3)Write a program to get values of 'x' in quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0.
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go for solution
Q4)Write a program to pick largest number among three numbers.
go for solution
Q5)Write an algorithm and draw flowchart to read a number and to decide it is even or odd.
Then convert that into 'c' program.
go for solution
Q6)WAP to know a number is even or odd using function.
go for solution
Q7) WAP to know a number is divisible by 3 and 5 or not.
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Q8) Write a program to show type casting concept.
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Q9) WAP to input cost price and selling price and determine whether there is profit or loss.
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Q10)Write a program to generate series 1,2,3,4,....nth term.
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Q11)Write a program to generate series 1,3,5,7.....nth term.
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Q12)Write a program to get sum of numbers 1,2,3,4,5....nth term.
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Q13)Write a program to get sum of series 1,3,5,7....nth term.
go for solution.
Q14)WAP to get sum of even numbers lying between 0 and 'n'.
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Q15)WAP to get sum of odd numbers lying between 0 and 'n'.
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Q16)WAP to get sum of 'n' integers using function.
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Q17)WAP to get y raise to power x using user defined function.
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Q18)Write a program to get multiplication table of a number.
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Q19)Write a program to get multiplication table of a number using nested loop.
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Q20)Write a program to get multiplication table of numbers using nested loop.
Q21)Write a program to get factorial of a number.
go for solution.
Q22)WAP to print 'n' integers and their factorial value.
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Q23)Write a program to know a number is Armstrong or not(3-digit number).
go for solution.
Q24)Write a program to get/display all Armstrong numbers lying between 1 and 1000.
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Q25)Write a program to know a number is prime of not.
go for solution.
Q26)Write a program to get all prime numbers between 1 and 100.
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Q27) WAP to know a number /string is Palindrome or not.
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Q28)Write a program to get following pattern.
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
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Q29)WAP to get following pattern.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
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Q30)WAP to display all even numbers lying between 1 and 100.
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Q31)Wap to reverse a number.
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Q32)Wap to get following using menu based program. get length of string
2. to get area of rectangle
3to reverse a string
4 exit
go for solution
Q33)WAP to display the name of day on the basis of entered number 1 to 7 using switch. For example, 1 for Sunday.
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Q34)WAP to find sum,difference, and product of two numbers using switch.
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Q35)WAP to get maximum and minimum values among any 'n' values.
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Q36)WAP to input salary of 'n'number of employees then count total number of employees getting salary in following range.
-> less than 5000
-> >=5000 and < 10000
-> >10000
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Q37)WAP to get sum of two matrices of order mxn.
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Q38)Wap to get difference of two matrices of order mxn
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Q39)WAP to sort any 'n' numbers.
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Q40)WAP to sort 'n' number in ascending order
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Q41)WAP to sort 'n' numbers in descending order.
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Q42)WAP to count number of vowels and consonants given in a text.
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Q43)WAP to count total number of particular character present in a string.
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Q44)WAP to sort any 'n' names in ascending/descending order.
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Q45)WAp to reverse a number using a function named reverse().
go for solution
Q46)WAP to get factorial value of a number using recursion.
go for solution.
Q47)WAP to get factorial value of a number.
go for solution
Q48)WAp to enter student's name,his/her address and their roll number using struct.Then arrange all data in ascending or descending order on the basis of student's address.
go for solution
Q49)WAp to enter student's name,his/her address and their roll number using struct. Then display them.
go for solution
Q50)What is pointer?explain it. With the help of program, explain about 'call by value' and 'call by reference'.
go for solution
Q51) Using pointer, write a program to show addition,subtraction and division (arithmetic calculation ).
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Q52)WAP to input a value/number and display its address with value using pointer.
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Q53)WAP to store book's name,price and author's name in a file namd 'book.dat'.
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Q54)WAP to store details about book(any 'n') having fields name,price,edition.
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Q55)WAP top read all records stored in a file book.dat. Fields are name,price and author's name.
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Q56)WAP to store book's name,price and author's name in a file namd 'book.dat' and then read and display on monitor.
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Q57)Wap to display those records (previous question)which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.
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Q58)WAP to count total number of students having age in range 20 and 40 out of ‘n’ number of students.
Some programs I have not included here because they are of same type as mentioned here. so you can do that in same way as you did some other problem.
Theory questions from "C".
Q)What is string? Explain any 5 string handling functions.
go for solutions
Q)What is switch statement? Explain it with the help of example.
Q)Define computer crime and its various forms.
Following programs (some theory questions)may come in your exam in 3 or 5 or 10 marks.
Group-A (programming)long answer question
Q1) Write a program to get area and perimeter of rectangle.
go for solution
Q2)Write a program to get area of circle.
go for solution
Q3)Write a program to get values of 'x' in quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0.
go for solution
go for solution
Q4)Write a program to pick largest number among three numbers.
go for solution
Q5)Write an algorithm and draw flowchart to read a number and to decide it is even or odd.
Then convert that into 'c' program.
go for solution
Q6)WAP to know a number is even or odd using function.
go for solution
Q7) WAP to know a number is divisible by 3 and 5 or not.
go for solution
Q8) Write a program to show type casting concept.
go for solution
Q9) WAP to input cost price and selling price and determine whether there is profit or loss.
go for solution
Q10)Write a program to generate series 1,2,3,4,....nth term.
go for solution
Q11)Write a program to generate series 1,3,5,7.....nth term.
go for solution
Q12)Write a program to get sum of numbers 1,2,3,4,5....nth term.
go for solution
Q13)Write a program to get sum of series 1,3,5,7....nth term.
go for solution.
Q14)WAP to get sum of even numbers lying between 0 and 'n'.
go for solution
Q15)WAP to get sum of odd numbers lying between 0 and 'n'.
go for solution
Q16)WAP to get sum of 'n' integers using function.
go for solution
Q17)WAP to get y raise to power x using user defined function.
go for solution
Q18)Write a program to get multiplication table of a number.
go for solution
Q19)Write a program to get multiplication table of a number using nested loop.
go for solution
Q20)Write a program to get multiplication table of numbers using nested loop.
go for solution.
Q22)WAP to print 'n' integers and their factorial value.
go for solution
Q23)Write a program to know a number is Armstrong or not(3-digit number).
go for solution.
Q24)Write a program to get/display all Armstrong numbers lying between 1 and 1000.
go for solution
Q25)Write a program to know a number is prime of not.
go for solution.
Q26)Write a program to get all prime numbers between 1 and 100.
go for solution
Q27) WAP to know a number /string is Palindrome or not.
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Q28)Write a program to get following pattern.
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
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Q29)WAP to get following pattern.
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
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Q30)WAP to display all even numbers lying between 1 and 100.
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Q31)Wap to reverse a number.
go for solution
Q32)Wap to get following using menu based program. get length of string
2. to get area of rectangle
3to reverse a string
4 exit
go for solution
Q33)WAP to display the name of day on the basis of entered number 1 to 7 using switch. For example, 1 for Sunday.
go for solution
Q34)WAP to find sum,difference, and product of two numbers using switch.
go for solution
Q35)WAP to get maximum and minimum values among any 'n' values.
go for solution
Q36)WAP to input salary of 'n'number of employees then count total number of employees getting salary in following range.
-> less than 5000
-> >=5000 and < 10000
-> >10000
go for solution
Q37)WAP to get sum of two matrices of order mxn.
go for solution
Q38)Wap to get difference of two matrices of order mxn
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Q39)WAP to sort any 'n' numbers.
go for solution
Q40)WAP to sort 'n' number in ascending order
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Q41)WAP to sort 'n' numbers in descending order.
go for solution
Q42)WAP to count number of vowels and consonants given in a text.
go for solution
Q43)WAP to count total number of particular character present in a string.
go for solution
Q44)WAP to sort any 'n' names in ascending/descending order.
go for solution
Q45)WAp to reverse a number using a function named reverse().
go for solution
Q46)WAP to get factorial value of a number using recursion.
go for solution.
Q47)WAP to get factorial value of a number.
go for solution
Q48)WAp to enter student's name,his/her address and their roll number using struct.Then arrange all data in ascending or descending order on the basis of student's address.
go for solution
Q49)WAp to enter student's name,his/her address and their roll number using struct. Then display them.
go for solution
Q50)What is pointer?explain it. With the help of program, explain about 'call by value' and 'call by reference'.
go for solution
Q51) Using pointer, write a program to show addition,subtraction and division (arithmetic calculation ).
go for solution
Q52)WAP to input a value/number and display its address with value using pointer.
go for solution
Q53)WAP to store book's name,price and author's name in a file namd 'book.dat'.
go for solution
Q54)WAP to store details about book(any 'n') having fields name,price,edition.
go for solution
Q55)WAP top read all records stored in a file book.dat. Fields are name,price and author's name.
go for solution
Q56)WAP to store book's name,price and author's name in a file namd 'book.dat' and then read and display on monitor.
go for solution
Q57)Wap to display those records (previous question)which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.
go for soulution
Q58)WAP to count total number of students having age in range 20 and 40 out of ‘n’ number of students.
Q59)WAP to show use of command “remove” and “rename” in data file handling with the help
of example.
Some programs I have not included here because they are of same type as mentioned here. so you can do that in same way as you did some other problem.
Theory questions from "C".
Q)What is string? Explain any 5 string handling functions.
go for solutions
Q)What is switch statement? Explain it with the help of example.
Q)What is control statement? Explain it.
Q)What is control statement? Explain it.
Q) What do you mean by local,global and static variables? Explain with the help of example.
Differentiate between automatic(local) and external (global) variable.
Q) What do you mean by local,global and static variables? Explain with the help of example.
Differentiate between automatic(local) and external (global) variable.
Q) What is an array? Explain it with the help of example.
Q) What is an array? Explain it with the help of example.
Q) Differentiate between user defined and library function.
Q) Differentiate between user defined and library function.
Q)Differentiate between structure and pointer.
Q)Differentiate between structure and pointer.
Q)Explain about getchar() and putchar().
Q)Explain about getchar() and putchar().
Q)Explain datatypes used in “C”.
Q)Explain datatypes used in “C”.
Gofor solution
Q)What is variable? Explain with the help of example.
Q)Explain about operator and its types.
Q)What is variable? Explain with the help of example.
Q)Explain about operator and its types.
Gofor solution
Q)Differentiate between break and continue with example.
Q)Differentiate between break and continue with example.
Gofor solution
Q) What is loop? Explain about for loop with the help of example.
Q) What is loop? Explain about for loop with the help of example.
Q)What is infinite loop? Give an example.
Q)Differentiate between while and do.. while loop.
Q)What is infinite loop? Give an example.
Q)Differentiate between while and do.. while loop.
Q)Explain about any four data file handling functions with examples.
Q) What is nested loop?Explain with the help of example.
Q) What is user defined function? In how many ways, we can use user defined function. Explain with the help of example.
Q) What is user defined function? In how many ways, we can use user defined function. Explain with the help of example.
solution (scroll down)
Q)Differentiate between array and struct.
go for solution
Q)Differentiate between struct and union.
go for solution
Q)Differentiate between array and struct.
go for solution
Q)Differentiate between struct and union.
go for solution
Q) What is structure? Explain with the help of example.
solution (scroll down)
short answer question.
Following are some questions usually asked or can be asked in
Q)What is feasibility study? Explain its types.
Q)Explain different phases used in system development.
What are the phases of SDLC? Explain anyone.
With the help of clean figure of SDLC, explain anyone phase.
Q) Explain SDLC based on waterfall model.
With the help of clean figure of SDLC, explain anyone phase.
Q) Explain SDLC based on waterfall model.
solution (scroll down)
Q)Who is system analysis and analyst? Explain his/her roles.
go for solution
Explain his/her skills to be with.
Q)Who is system analysis and analyst? Explain his/her roles.
go for solution
Explain his/her skills to be with.
Q)What is system analysis? Who is responsible for this? Explain his/her roles.
Q)Explain system designing tools.
Q)Explain system designing tools.
What is program logic? Explain any two logical tools.
Q) What is system testing? Explain its types.
Q) What is system testing? Explain its types.
solution (after clicking scroll down)
Q) what is documentation? Explain it.
Q) what is documentation? Explain it.
Q)Explain about data integrity.
Q)Explain about data security.
Q)Differentiate between centralized and distributed database
Q)Explain E-R diagram with example.
Q)Explain normalization with its types.
Q)Explain about database and DBMS.
Q)Explain about DBA.
Explain the roles of DBA.
Q)Explain about SQL and DML.
Explain the roles of DBA.
Q)Explain about SQL and DML.
Q)Explain about DML and DDL.
Q)Explain about DML and DDL.
Q)Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
Q)Explain advantages of networking.
Q)Explain advantages of networking.
What is network? Explain its uses.
Q)Explain communication modes in networking.
Q)Explain communication modes in networking.
Q)Differentiate between Internet and Intranet.
Q)Explain about client-server and peer-to-peer networking
Q)Explain about OSI model of networking.
Q)What is multimedia? Explain its applications.
Q)Differentiate between POP and OOPs.
Q)Explain the terms : polymorphism/inheritance/class/object.
Q)What is AI? Explain its components.
Q)Define computer crime and its various forms.
Q)Explain e-governance and its components.
Q)What is Internet/ICT/IT? Explain its advantages an disadvantages.
Q) What are advantages and disadvantages of social media? List out.
Q) Explain system designing methodologies.
Q) Explain system designing methodologies.
1)Cyber law
2)Satellite 3)Data dictionary 4)SQL 5)E-commerce 6) Bluetooth
7)Data security 8)Protocol 9) E-learning
go for solution
7)Data security 8)Protocol 9) E-learning
go for solution
For short notes, there would be two questions
to be written to.
So students, these are the questions you prepare and then appear for exam.
For programs, you practice more and more. And better if you do from your lab report.
If you practice from lab report then I am pretty sure that you do not need to see any other book/material.resources.
If you practice from lab report then I am pretty sure that you do not need to see any other book/material.resources.
NEB and HISSAN old computer science questions and solutions have been uploaded.
click here
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