
WAP to understand logical operator.

//PROGRAM TO UNDERSTAND following logical operators
and operator        &&
or operator         ||
not operator        !
#include <iostream>//header file
#include<stdlib.h>//header file to handle system("cls")

using namespace std;//to handle all standard characters/functions,reserved words  used in program. we do not use in turboc++ compiler

int main()//main function
    int number1,number2;
    cout<<"enter two numbers"<<endl;//prints message to input numbers
    cin>>number1>>number2;          //gets inputs using chaining concept
    system("cls");                  //clears the screen
    cout<<"result of (number1>=20 && number2<=50):-"<<(number1>=20 && number2<=50)<<endl;
    //returns 0 or 1(after testing both conditions) depending upon they are  false or true.Actually, it multiplies both results and returns 0/1.
    cout<<"result of (number1>=20 || number2<=50):-"<<(number1>=20 || number2<=50)<<endl;
    //returns 0 or 1(after testing both conditions) depending upon they are  false or true.
    //Actually, it adds both results and returns 0/1.
    cout<<"result of (!number1>20):-"<<!(number1>20)<<endl;
    //returns 0 or 1 if it is true or false.
    return 0;

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