
year 2077 second term question(MCQ)

 Because of Covid-19 and lock down, 100 Marks MCQ were asked.Time was 2 hrs.

Class: XI


Time:2 hrs

Group A- computer system (30)

Objective Questions

  1. Which of the following is an onboard memory?




      d.hard disk

Correct Answer: a

  1. … is very famous for keyboard design.

    1. ABCD

    2. QWERTY

    3. POPRTY

    4. KJLHJ

Correct Answer: b

  1. What device is used to read bar code information?

    1. BCR

    2. MICR

    3. OCR

    4. OMR

Correct Answer: a 

  1. FORTRAN was used in …...generation of computers.

    1. First 

    2. Second

    3. Third

    4. Fourth

Correct Answer: b

  1. Which of the following is not a softcopy output device?

    1. Monitor

    2. Printer

    3. TV screen

    4. Projector

Correct Answer: b

  1. LASER printer is  ….. type of printer.

    1. Impact

    2. Non-impact

    3. Both a and b

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: b 

  1. Which memory is called volatile memory?

    1. RAM

    2. ROM

    3. DVD

    4. CD

Correct Answer: a

  1. The technology used in optical disks is ______.

    1. Reflective

    2. Refractive

    3. Laser Beam

    4. c and a

Correct Answer: d

  1. Which is the fastest memory?

  1. Tape

  2. Cache memory

  3. Bubble memory

  4. CD

Correct Answer: b

  1. Input Devices that use a special ink that contains magnetizable particles of iron oxide are ____

    1. Optical disks

    2. Magnetic disks

    3. MICR

    4. Magnetic drives

Correct Answer: c

  1. Parallel port consists of …. Pins.

    1. 9

    2. 16

    3. 25

    4. 24

Correct Answer: c

  1. Which is a type of bus?

    1. Address

    2. Control

    3. Data

    4. All of above

Correct Answer: d

  1. Which unit is mainly responsible for arithmetic operation?

    1. ALU

    2. CU

    3. Both a and b

    4. MU(memory unit)

Correct Answer: a

  1. Primary components of the CPU are …

    1. Register

    2. Control unit

    3. Arithmetic and Logic unit

    4. All of above

Correct Answer: d

  1. … is the brain of a computer system.

      a. memory

      b. Keyboard

      c. Monitor     

      d. CPU

Correct Answer: d

  1. Computers are used in ...

    1. Bank

    2. Engineering

    3. Medicine

    4. All of the above

Correct Answer: d

  1. CRAY-3 is an example of …. Computer.

    1. Super

    2. Mini

    3. Micro

    4. mainframe

Correct Answer: a

  1. Which is the smallest computer?

  1. Super computer

  2. Mini computer

  3. Micro computer

  4. Mainframe computer

Correct Answer: c

  1. Bio chips are used in ..… generation of computers.

    1. First 

    2. Fifth 

    3. Third 

    4. Second

Correct Answer: b

  1. Hybrid computer contains features of

    1. Analog computer

    2. Digital computer

    3. Both a and b

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: c

  1. Registers are … memory of computer systems.

    1. Primary

    2. Secondary

    3. Cache

    4. optical

Correct Answer: a  

  1. …... acts as the central nervous system of the computer.

    1. Control Unit

    2. ALU

    3. Memory Unit

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: a

  1. What does a PC stand for (in the sense of memory)?

    1. Program Changer

    2. Program Counter

    3. Performance Counter

    4. Performance Changer

Correct Answer: b

  1. A device used for video games, flight simulators, training simulators and for controlling industrial robots.

      a. Mouse

      b. Light pen

      c. Joystick

      d. Keyboard

Correct Answer: c

  1. The disk’s surface is divided into a number of invisible concentric circles called:

      a. Drives

      b. Tracks

      c. Slits

      d. References

Correct Answer: b

  1. Which mouse has a higher level of precision?

    1. Mechanical Mouse

    2. Optical mouse

    3.  a and b

    4. None of the above

Correct Answer: b

  1. …. is called the first programmer.

    1. Lady Augusta Lovelace

    2. Dr. Herman Hollerith

    3. Jon Von Neuman

    4. None of the above

Correct Answer: a

  1. First microprocessor was developed in ……

    1. 1970 AD

    2. 1971 AD

    3. 1972 AD

    4. 1973 AD

Correct Answer: b

  1. In which generation of computer  microprocessor was used for the first time?

    1. First 

    2. Second

    3. Third

    4. Fourth 

Correct Answer: d

  1. Vacuum tube was invented by ….

    1. Lee De Forest

    2. John Bardeen

    3. John Kilby

    4. Robert Noyce

Correct Answer: a

Group B-Number system and Boolean algebra (10)

  1. What does binary 0 and 1 mean to computers?

    1. True, False

    2. On, Off

    3. Low, High

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: c

  1. What is the value of (X+ Y+Z) +0+1 in Boolean algebra?

    1. (X+Y+Z)

    2. (X+Y+Z)+1

    3. 1

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: c    

  1. 1’s complement of 010 is 

    1. 10001

    2. 01010

    3. 11111

    4. 101

Correct Answer: d 

  1. Altogether how many operations are used in Boolean algebra?

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

Correct Answer: b

  1. What is the binary equivalent of ‘F’ ?

    1. 1010

    2. 1011

    3. 1110

    4. 1111

Correct Answer: d 

  1. Octal equivalent of the binary number 111110?

    1. 57

    2. 67

    3. 76

    4. 77

Correct Answer: c 

  1. For Boolean variable A, A+A=A, it is called …law

    1. Identity

    2. Idempotent 

    3. Boundedness law

    4. De-morgan’s lawBoundness Law

Correct Answer: b

  1. Base of OCTAL number system is 

    1. 2

    2. 8

    3. 10

    4. 16

Correct Answer: b 

  1. Which of the following gates are called universal gates?

    1. NAND

    2. NOR

    3. Both a and b

    4. XOR

Correct Answer: c

  1. If we apply duality principle in a+b.a, it gives us

  1. a+b.a

  2. a.b+a

  3. a+a

  4. b+a

Correct Answer: b

Group-Software and OS (10)

  1. A software that can be freely accessed and modified.

    a. Synchronous Software

    b. Package Software

    c. OSS(Open Source Software)

    d. Middleware

Correct Answer: c

  1. What is the full form of GUI in O.S?

      a.Graphical User Interface

      b.Graphical User Intervention

      c.Graphical User Inter

      d.Graphical Under Interface

Correct Answer: a

  1. Android operating system was developed by …

    1. Microsoft

    2. Google

    3. Apple

    4. Samsung

Correct Answer: b 

  1. The software designed to perform a specific task:

    1. Synchronous Software

    2. Middle Software

    3. Application Software

    4. System Software

Correct Answer: c

  1. What is responsible for creating a process from a program?

    1. OS

    2. Web

    3. Internet

    4. Firewall

Correct Answer: a

  1.  A __________is a set of instructions which is prepared to perform a specific assignment if executed by a computer.

    1. Browser

    2. Internet

    3. Program

    4. None of the above

Correct Answer: c

  1. Which of the following is not an operating system?

    1. WINDOWS

    2. Linux

    3. DOS

    4. Oracle

Correct Answer: d

  1. You are given a file Trinity.docx, its extension is …

    1. .docs

    2. .docx

    3. .doc

    4. .txt

 Correct Answer: b

  1.  __________________ refers to the logical structuring of records.

    1. Physical organization

    2. Logical organization

    3. Structural organization

    4. File Organization

Correct Answer: d

  1.  ___________ itself is a file owned by the operating system

    1. Database

    2. Directory

    3. Logical File

    4. Record

Correct Answer: b

Group-Application package (10)

  1. Default number of sheets created by spreadsheet is …

    1. 3

    2. 4

    3. 5

    4. 2

Correct Answer: a 

  1. Which function in Ms-excel tells us total numeric entries in a sheet?

    1. NUM()

    2. COUNT()

    3. SUM()

    4. CHKNUM()

Correct Answer: b 

  1. Default alignment of paragraphs in MS Word is _______ alignment.

    1. Left 

    2. Right

    3. Center

    4. Justify

Correct Answer: a

  1. To save the same file with a different name, we use _______ option.

    1. Save

    2. Save As

    3. Rename

    4. Create a new file

Correct Answer: b

  1. In Excel, every formula must start with ______

    1. !

    2. #

    3. $

    4. =

Correct Answer: d 

  1. Which items are placed at the end of the document?

    1. Footer

    2. Footnote

    3. Endnote

    4. header

Correct Answer: c 

  1. A number of letters that appear little above the normal text is called …

    1. Superscript

    2. Subscript

    3. Dropcap

    4. supertext

Correct Answer: a 

  1. Absolute cell reference of A4 cell is _____

    1. #A4

    2. $A4$

    3. $A$4

    4. #A#4

Correct Answer: c

  1. Which of the following sections does not exist in a slide layout?

    1. Titles

    2. Lists

    3. Animations

    4. Charts

Correct Answer: c

  1. What feature will we use to apply motion effects in between a slide that exists and as another slide enters.

    1. Slide Transition

    2. Slide Design

    3. Animation Objects

    4. Animation Scheme

Correct Answer: a 

Group-Programming concept and C (25)


  1. Most of the  keywords in C are in …

    1. LowerCase letters

    2. UpperCase letters

    3. CamelCase letters

    4. None of the mentioned

ans------------------------> a  

  1. What is the name of ==  operator used in C?

  1. Assignment operator

  2. Relational operator

  3. Arithmetical operator

  4. None of the above


  1. What is the maximum value char a[100] can store in C?

    1. 10

    2. 100

    3. both a and b

    4. None of the above



  1. How many types of tokens are in c?

a )1

b) 2

c) 12

d) None of the above


  1. How many keywords are in C?

    1. 32

    2. 33

    3. 34

    4. 12

Correct Answer: a    

  1. what will be the value of x in the following code?

int a=10,b=15;


a )10

b) 15

c) -15

d) None of the above

Correct Answer: b   

  1. Library functions are predefined functions.

  1. true

  2. fals


  1. In a=2+3,the operands are …

  1. a

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. All of above

Correct Answer: d     

  1. To find a square root, we have to use … function.

    1. strlen()

    2. square()

    3. sqrt()

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: c   

  1. Forceful type of conversion  is called …

    1. Explicit

    2. Implicit

    3. Variable

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: a   

  1. Type specifier for  ‘int’ data type in C is….

a) %d

b) %c

c) %f

d) None of the above


  1.  ‘\n’ is used for…. In the C program.

a ) backspace

b) new line

c) horizontal tab

d) None of the above


  1. Type specifier for string is ...

  1. %c

  2. %d

  3. %f

  4. %s



  1. Who developed the C language?

  1. Charles Babbage

  2. Tim Berners Lee

  3. Dennis Ritchie

  4. Steve Jobs

Correct Answer: c

  1. The two operators && and || are

    1. Relational operators

    2. Equality operators

    3. Arithmetic operators

    4. Logical operators

Correct Answer: d

  1. Actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in __________

    1. Circles

    2. Lines

    3. Arrow

    4. Rectangle

Correct Answer: d

  1. The converter which translates assembly language into machine code is _____

    1. Assembler

    2. Program Converter

    3. Compiler

    4. Interpreter

Correct Answer: a

  1. C language has features of ________

    1. High Level language 

    2. Low Level Language

    3. Both a and b

    4. Assembly Language

Correct Answer: c

  1. Which of the following is a looping statement?

    a. if

    b. else

    c. switch

    d. while

Correct Answer: d

  1.  The program written by the programmer in high level language is called _____________

      a. Object Program

    b. Source Program

    c. Assembled Program

    d. Compiled Program

Correct Answer: b

  1. The programming statement which repeats the block of statements till the condition is satisfied is called _______

    1. Program Repeater

    2. Looping

    3. Selection 

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: b    

  1. Which of the following operators in ‘C’ programming language takes only integer operands?

    1. +

    2.  *

    3.  /

    4. %

Correct Answer: d    

  1. An identifier in C

    1. can obtain both uppercase and lowercase

    2.  is made up of letters numerals and the underscore

    3.  is a name of thing such as variable and function

    4. all of these

Correct Answer: d    

  1. An  operator ! represents

    1. Unary minus

    2. Logical not operator

    3. Decrement operator

    4. Increment operator

Correct Answer: b    

  1. What is the output of this statement "printf("%d", (a++))"?

    1. The value of (a + 1)

    2. The current value of a

    3. Error message

    4. Garbage

Correct Answer: b   


Web technology(10)

  1. Which are used with a tag to modify its function?

    1. Files

    2. Functions

    3. Attributes

    4. Documents

Correct Answer: c 

  1. What are the two segments of a style tag in CSS?

    1. Selector and property

    2.  Name and content

    3. Head section and body section

    4.  None

Correct Answer: a  

  1. The CANVAS tag supports ….

    1. pictures

    2. animation

    3. a and b

    4. None of above

Correct Answer: c 

  1. ____ attribute is used to display an alternate message in an image.

    1.  Size

    2. ALT

    3. ALIGN

    4.  SRC

Correct Answer: b  

  1. What does the <BR> tag do in HTML?

    1. Break the line

    2. Make text bright

    3. Change paragraph

    4. Makes the text bigger

Correct Answer: a

  1. The tag used in html to create table is

  1. <table>

  2. <tabla>

  3. <trr>

  4. <tha>

Correct Answer: a

  1. What are shared on the Internet and are called Web pages?

    1. Programs

    2. Cables

    3. Hypertext documents

    4. None

Correct Answer: c

  1. Which program is used by web clients to view the web pages?

    1. Web browser

    2. Protocol

    3.  Web server

    4.  Search Engine

Correct Answer: a

  1. HTML was developed by …

    1. Charles Babbage

    2. Lady Augusta Ada lovelace

    3. Blaise Pascal

    4. Tim Berners Lee

Correct Answer: d 

  1. What is the extension of the HTML page?

    1. .docx

    2. .htm

    3. .pptx

    4. .html5

Correct Answer: b

Group-Multimedia (2)

  1. The Audio Video Interleave (.avi) was developed by …

    1. Microsoft

    2. Apple

    3. IBM

    4. Lotus

Correct Answer: a

  1. Virtual reality is used in training pilots in flight ….

    1. Imitation

    2. Model

    3. Simulators

    4. All of the above

Correct Answer: c 

Group-Cyberlaw (3)

  1. Authentication is _________

    1. To assure identity of user on a remote system 

    2. Insertion 

    3. Modification 

    4. Integration

Correct Answer: a 

  1. The Altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is

    1.  Biometrics 

    2. Encryption 

    3. Ergonomics 

    4. Compression

Correct Answer: b

  1. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal?

    1. 2069

    2. 2068

    3. 2061

    4. 2062

Correct Answer: c 


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