Showing posts with label Data file handling related program:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data file handling related program:. Show all posts

Data file handling related program:

Data file handling related program:
1)WAP to store data/character in a datafile.
   program to understand  putc() to store data(one character).


2)WAP to read data/character from opened file.
program to understand getc() to read a character from opened file.

WAP to store data/character in an opened file then read that character and print on screen in same program.


3)WAP to store  integers in  a data file.
                                                                                                                                solution                                        or
   WAp to read that stored integers in previuos qusetion(3).

Program to understand getw() to read,and putw() to store a number in an opened file in same program.


4)WAP to store and read data stored in a data file (q3) using fprintf() and fscanf() function.

5)WAP to store  roll,name and percentage of some students in  a data file.
WAP to  read roll,name and percentage of some students from a data file (previous question).
WAP to store and read roll,name and percentage of some students to /from a data file using same program.

6) program to store data (employee name and salary) in a data file using fwrite().

 program to read data stored in a datafile and print on screen using fread().

Write a program to write/store record and read from data file. THis data file contains employee name and salary. Use fread () and fwrite().

7)Write a program to store book_id,book_name and book_price of some books to a data file until you say 'n'. Then same file displays all records.

8) USe 'struct ' concept to store employee id,first name and salary to a data file until you say 'n'. Then display all those stored records.

9)Program to understand remove() function.


10)Program to understand rename() function.

11) Program to understand ftell() function.

12)Program to understand fseek() function.

13)Program to understand rewind() function.
