Showing posts with label Program to know total memory occupied by struct using size of struct concept.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Program to know total memory occupied by struct using size of struct concept.. Show all posts

Program to know total memory occupied by struct using size of struct concept.

using codeblocks
Program to know total memory occupied by struct using size of struct concept.
// program to use sizeof() in struct            //comment abt. program
#include <stdio.h>                                 //header file
struct data                                        //struct tag named data
    char name[80];                                //member1 of struct
    char address[80];                             //member2 of struct
    int roll;                                     //member3 of struct

struct data access={"rajan","Kalanki",34}; //'access' is a variable to access members. rajan,kalanki and 34 are data.
int main()

   printf("total memory is\n");
   printf("%d",sizeof(access));                  // display of total bytes used by struct, using access
    return 0;

using turbo c++
// program to use sizeof() in struct            //comment abt. program
#include <stdio.h>                                 //header file
struct data                                        //struct tag named data
    char name[80];                                //member1 of struct
    char address[80];                             //member2 of struct
    int roll;                                     //member3 of struct

struct data access={"rajan","Kalanki",34}; //'access' is a variable to access members. rajan,kalanki and 34 are data.
int main()

   printf("total memory is\n");
   printf("%d",sizeof(access));                  // display of total bytes used by struct, using access
    return 0;