using codeblocks
//using putw() to store data(one integer) from an opened file
#include <stdio.h>
#include<stdlib.h> // header file for system("cls")
int main()
FILE *p; //pointer declaration
char ch;
int i;
system("cls"); //clears the screen/console
p=fopen("data1.txt","w"); //file opening in write mode
printf("first we store/write data in an opened file\n");
for(i=0;i<=40;i++) //executes the loop
putw(i,p); // write the entered integer in that file
fclose(p); //closes the file
//using putw() to store data(one integer) from an opened file
#include <stdio.h>
#include<stdlib.h> // header file for system("cls")
int main()
FILE *p; //pointer declaration
char ch;
int i;
system("cls"); //clears the screen/console
p=fopen("data1.txt","w"); //file opening in write mode
printf("first we store/write data in an opened file\n");
for(i=0;i<=40;i++) //executes the loop
putw(i,p); // write the entered integer in that file
fclose(p); //closes the file
return 0;
usnig turboc++
//using putw() to store data(one integer) from an opened file
#include <stdio.h>
#include<stdlib.h> // header file for system("cls")
int main()
FILE *p; //pointer declaration
char ch;
int i;
system("cls"); //clears the screen/console
p=fopen("data1.txt","w"); //file opening in write mode
printf("first we store/write data in an opened file\n");
for(i=0;i<=40;i++) //executes the loop
putw(i,p); // write the entered integer in that file
fclose(p); //closes the file
#include <stdio.h>
#include<stdlib.h> // header file for system("cls")
int main()
FILE *p; //pointer declaration
char ch;
int i;
system("cls"); //clears the screen/console
p=fopen("data1.txt","w"); //file opening in write mode
printf("first we store/write data in an opened file\n");
for(i=0;i<=40;i++) //executes the loop
putw(i,p); // write the entered integer in that file
fclose(p); //closes the file
return 0;