<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--contains meta information of page-->
<title><!--contains title of page-->
html css
<body style="background-color:honeydew;">
<!--body tag with style and value-->
<h2 style="color:blueviolet;"> page in html</h2><!--applying style with property and value-->
<B style="font-size:30px;">am learning html.</B><!--applying style to tag B-->
<u style="text-align: right;">it is on left</u> <!--we can use left or right or justifyetc-->
<br><em>this is emphasized text</em><!--it emphsizes the text--><br>
<small>this is small text</small><!--it makes our text small--><br>
<strong>it is strong text</strong><!--it maekes our text important--><br>
<ins>it is inserted text</ins><!--it is inserted text--><br>
<del>it is deleted text</del><br><!--it is deleted text-->
<mark>it is marked.highlighted text</mark><!--it highlights the text-->
Each line is described with comment mentioned inside <!--...-->.
We can understand ourlseves.