Showing posts with label WAP to enter student id. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WAP to enter student id. Show all posts

WAP to enter student id, student name and address for any 10 students. Then search a data and its location.

in codeblocks:
// program to search data in given  detail of some  students       //comment abt. program
#include <stdio.h>                                 //header file
struct data                                        //struct tag named data
    char name[80];                                //member1 of struct
    char address[80];                             //member2 of struct
    int roll;                                     //member3 of struct
    int english,maths,physics,chemistry,nepali,total;   //marks member declaration
    float percentage;                       //member for total and percentage

}access[100];                 //'access' is a variable to access members. This can hold maximum 100 members.it is called array of struct.
int main()
   int n,i,loc=0;                                         //variable declaration
   char naam[70];
    printf("enter total value of n\n");
   scanf("%d",&n);                                  //accepts total value
   {                                                 //execution of loop with inputs
    puts("enter roll number \n");
   scanf("%d",&access[i].roll);                      //gets data in different member
   puts("enter name \n");
   scanf("%s",access[i].name);                       //gets name
   puts("enter address \n");
   scanf("%s",access[i].address);                    //gets address
   printf("enter english marks\n");
   scanf("%d",&access[i].english);                  //gets respective marks
   printf("enter maths marks\n");
   printf("enter Physics marks\n");
   printf("enter chemistry marks\n");
   printf("enter nepali marks\n");
   access[i].total=access[i].english+access[i].maths+access[i].physics+access[i].chemistry+access[i].nepali;//finds total and stores
      access[i].percentage=(float)access[i].total/5;               //finds percentage and stores in respective member
   printf("entered data are\n");                  //loop execution to display data
   printf("roll=%d,name=%s,address=%s, english=%d,maths=%d,physics=%d,chemistry=%d,nepali=%d\n",access[i].roll,access[i].name,access[i].address,access[i].english
   }                                                //displays data

   printf(" data with total and percentage are\n");     // displays data with total and percentage
   printf("to be searched is\n");
   scanf("%s",naam);         //data input to be searched
       if(strcmp(naam,access[i].name)==0)//data comparison
           break;                    //terminating the loop
       printf("data found and location=%d",i);//printing the location of data
       printf("and data are,roll=%d,\tname=%s,\taddress=%s,\tenglish=%d,\tmaths=%d,\tphysics=%d,\tchemistry=%d,\tnepali=%d,\ttotal=%d,\tpercentage=%f\n",access[i].roll,access[i].name,access[i].address,access[i].english
       printf("not found\n");

    return 0;