//drawing circle
void main()
int gdriver, gmode; //variables declaration
gdriver=DETECT; // detection of graphics driver
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\tc\\BGI");
/* initialize graphics and local variables with path in TC folder*/
/* gmode is for graphics mode you want to work. */
circle(40,40,30); // circle with starting and ending angle (coordinate value for x and y of screen)
//where you want to display circle;for x and y res.
//last argument is radius.
getch(); //gets one character from user and closes the graphics.
closegraph(); //closes graphics.h
void main()
int gdriver, gmode; //variables declaration
gdriver=DETECT; // detection of graphics driver
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\tc\\BGI");
/* initialize graphics and local variables with path in TC folder*/
/* gmode is for graphics mode you want to work. */
circle(40,40,30); // circle with starting and ending angle (coordinate value for x and y of screen)
//where you want to display circle;for x and y res.
//last argument is radius.
getch(); //gets one character from user and closes the graphics.
closegraph(); //closes graphics.h