Showing posts with label html picture tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label html picture tag. Show all posts

HTML page to work with picture tag

We have following example to understand about picture tag.
<html> <!--called root tag-->
<head> <!--it is used for meta tags-->
<title><!-- it is used for title of page-->
HTMl with picture tag
<body><!--it is a container-->
<!--tag to display different picture-->
<!--that fits best to the browser-->
<!--the picture is chosen by the browser depending upon
the device or view.
  <!-- we are using two pictures-->
  <!--which one to chose, it is decided by browser-->
  <!--depending upon device or view-->
  <source srcset="coffee.jpg">
  <source srcset="glass.jpg">
  <!--we use <img src...>at the end because
  if none of the src matched or
  if the browser does not support <picture> tag.
  then browser uses picture  with this im src.
  <img src="picture.jpg" alt="Beatles" style="width:auto;">
<!--img src is used to insert image-->
<!-- it has attributes width,height and alt-->
<!-- 'alt' is used if the picture could not be loaded/displayed-->
<!--we must make sure that the path(of image) is correct-->
<!--it repeats the picture-->
<!-- to avoid it we use css.We will learn in css unit-->
note: please store the picture in same folder as that html is.
To understand clearly, read the comment section.