I have written many programs in "C" language. These are written to make your understanding level clear and sharp. Some where if you do not understand then you can leave a comment. I will explain that further.
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input and output related programs : contains programs using gets(),scanf(), puts() getchar() ,putchar() with explanation.
if..else programs collection : contains programs using if, if ...else, if....elseif switch etc with explanation
loop related programs(loop,nested loop) : contains programs using for, while and do.. while loop
array related programs : contains program using one and multidimensional array.
array with string programs: contains programs related to string processing (with/out library)
Function related programs: contains programs using user defined function.
other programs:- It conatains programs on different subject matter.Like, escape sequence,random number generator etc.
click the link given below.
input and output related programs : contains programs using gets(),scanf(), puts() getchar() ,putchar() with explanation.
if..else programs collection : contains programs using if, if ...else, if....elseif switch etc with explanation
loop related programs(loop,nested loop) : contains programs using for, while and do.. while loop
array related programs : contains program using one and multidimensional array.
array with string programs: contains programs related to string processing (with/out library)
Function related programs: contains programs using user defined function.
struct,typedef and union related program : contains programs using struct, union and typedef
Pointer programs: Contains programs related to pointer, array as pointer,pointer as an array,pointer in function, call by value and call by reference
Pointer programs: Contains programs related to pointer, array as pointer,pointer as an array,pointer in function, call by value and call by reference
Data file handling relatedprogram: contains programs using file handling functions getc(),putc(),getw(),putw(),fscanf(),fprintf(),fread(),fwrite,ftell(),fseek(),rewind(),remove(),rename() etc
other programs:- It conatains programs on different subject matter.Like, escape sequence,random number generator etc.
Graphics related program: It contains programs written using graphics.h to handle all graphics. Graphics means working with colours and different shapes. Like Circle,triangle,straight line,background color,foreground colour,rectangle etc.other
Mouse related program: It contains programs where we can learn how to handle mouse.
some more topics related programs:It contains programs with different tricks and tips.
some more topics related programs:It contains programs with different tricks and tips.
c projects:- Here We have some projects developed in C language using codeblocks IDE.