Showing posts with label programs using function with no arguments and no return values.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programs using function with no arguments and no return values.. Show all posts

Function related programs:

programs using function with no arguments and no return values.
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1) WAP to get area of circle (pi*R*R) using user defined function circle().


2)WAP to print greatest number between two numbers using function.


3)WAP to print smallest number among three numbers using function.


4)WAP to know a number is even or odd using function.


5)WAP to know a number is positive or negative or zero using function.


6)WAP to generate series 1,2,3,4,5,.............100 using function


7)WAP to get sum of  1,2,3,4,5,.............100 using function.


8)WAP to get factorial value of a number using function.


9)WAP to get reverse of a number using function.


10)WAP to get Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8,.... 20th term.

11) WAp to know a number is prime or composite or not using function.


12)WAP to get square root of a number using function.


13)WAp to display all even numbers lying 1 and 200 using function.


14)wap to print multiplication table of a number using function

15)wap to find factorial value of a number using function.


16)WAp to find value of y raised to x using function.


17)WAP to get length of string using function

18)Write a program to reverse a a string using function.


Function types:-

Function with no arguments and no return values.