Showing posts with label reading data with condition from file. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading data with condition from file. Show all posts

q36)Wap to display those records which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.

//Wap to display those records which have price >340. Records are with fields name,price and edition.
void main()
FILE *k;                                                                    //  pointer for file declaration
char book_name[30],author_name[40];                   //identifier declaration
int book_edition;                                                         //       "             "

while((fscanf(k,"%d %s %d",&book_price,book_name,&book_edition)!=EOF))//reading data from data file
 if(book_price>340)                                                   // condition validating
printf("book name=%s ,book edition=%d and price=%d",book_name,book edition,book_price); //displaying data
fclose(k);                                                                                   //closing data file