html with canvas tag. It is used to draw graphics on HTML page. With this canvas tag, we use javascript to draw it.
<canvas id="straightline" width="500" height="500" style="border:7px dotted #000089;">
<!--we always use canvas id for script-->
<!--since we are going to draw circle, we use attribute width and height with style/css-->
<!-- here the width and height defines canvas size-->
<!--since it has no border so-->
<!--we can use different color with the help of css-->
var ele = document.getElementById("straightline"); //this code finds the canvas Element using getElementbyID
var object = ele.getContext("2d"); //it creates an object for given canvas using getcontext. Then stores in variable
object.beginPath(); //it begins the path
object.arc(100, 100, 100, 0, 2*Math.PI); //it creates the arc/curve with
//first value is x-co-ordinate
//second value is y-co-ordinate
//third value is radius
//forth value is starting angle
//last value is for one complete rotation/360
object.stroke(); //it draws the circle